Guidelines on natural forest restoration in Dak Lak province in Viet Nam

Guidelines on natural forest restoration in Dak Lak province in Viet Nam

Viet Nam - 15 April, 2021

In Viet Nam, the restoration of natural forest ecosystems and livelihoods for people who manage and use degraded forests is important to achieve sustainable development. Especially, the area of natural forests in the Central Highlands has continued to decline in recent years. Therefore, the forest restoration is an issue that needs special attention of the forestry sector. Tropenbos Viet Nam cooperated with the Dak Lak Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to research and develop a technical guidance document for natural forest restoration.

The guideline will help households, communities and forest owners to implement solutions to restore degraded natural forest areas, promote capacity building for forest rangers to guide and support local communities to implement forest restoration.

The guideline has been developed based on consultation workshops with the key actors in the landscape, including communities and forest practitioners, in 2020. For the first time, the voices of local communities are included in the restoration guidelines, to ensure that forest restoration meets the needs of people in the landscape. Following publication of the guidelines, it will be implemented by forest practitioners in Dak Lak province. It is expected that by applying the guidelines, ecological functions of forests will be restored providing livelihoods for forest-dependent communities and enhancing conservation.